I was a late comer to the Radiohead band wagon. Heard and liked "Creep" at the time of it's release. I remember wanting to get some of their music after hearing "Fake Plastic Trees" in Clueless (HAHA). So I got the Bends, and enjoyed it. I worked at the movie theater and always would walk in early to catch the last few minutes of Romeo & Juliet so I could hear "Talk Show Host". In 1999 I finally heard Pablo Honey and was obsessed with it and OK Computer for a few months of non-stop Radiohead. From there on I was a release week fan!
Created a new survey to the right.
Anyone else pick it up this week or planning to? Thoughts, complaints or accolades on the releases? When did you first here them, begin listening?
'creep' turned my head too, but i was more interested at the time in another debut album- CORE by stone temple pilots (came out the year before- also with a song titled 'creep').
it wasn't until 1995 with the release of THE BENDS that i was sold. funny that we're on the topic of music videos becuase it was the video for 'just' that bulldozed my brains in such a way as to be fairly unrecognizable thereafter. i was at the ROTUNDA, (an unfairly maligned school cafeteria at WSU) when the tandem wail of johhny greenwood's guitar and thom yorke's pipes had me signing on the dotted line... still my favorite song from that album.
i got back from my mission in the fall of '98 and stumbled across OK COMPUTER inadvertently. it was a copy of joe romano's. holy mother of pete. HOLY MOTHER OF PETE. that album hijacked my brain like nothing ever before. i could still seriously listen to it every day and never get tired. best radiohead album. maybe the best album ever. (and i hyperbole you not!)
EXIT MUSIC!!! (!!!!!!!!)
cool subject for a post. I'm a recent convert.
I thought creep was cool, but never knew of Radiohead again until the new millineum, when I heard Kid Rock say that Radiohead sucked. He was referring to the album Kid A, and I can only assume he was upset about sharing his first name with that album.
Sometime in 2004 I asked Jake if I could borrow a couple Radiohead albums, and of course he gave me all of them.
Meld my mind. While my favorite album is OK Computer, the song that converted me is "Everything In It's Right Place" from Kid A. Those opening notes are the coolest opening to an album ever. My wife hates that song.
So yeah, OK Computer and The Bends were both equal favorites of mine. High and Dry, Planet Telex, and all the songs from OK Computer that Bart mentioned...
But then In Rainbows came out. Bodysnatchers...Radiohead has the best rythm section of any band. The drums and tamborine (I'm a major tamborine fan) on Reckoner are one of the coolest sounds I've heard in a long time. And House of Cards is one of those songs I will never have the ability to write, and will spend the rest of my life realizing I'm copying it, because it's so beautiful.
So it was quite a sad thing when my wife pointed out the other day that Thom Yorke is a dead ringer for a 40 year old Clay Aiken. If she wasn't my wife I would have punched her, because I think she's right, and now everytime I see him, I'm going to think of Mr. American Idol.
(Just pretend that he looks kindof like martin short albeit with a lazy eyelid....)
From Kid A- my wife can't stand "National Anthem" with the dischordance of saxophones toward the end... and "Fitter, Happier" from Ok Computer actually causes her physical pain (it's always fun to spring it on her... he he he).
That's funny, because I was going to list both those songs as among my favorites.
But my wife's the same. She has no patience for anything from Kid A.
Okay, okay, see, see? You think I'm not reading this blog, right Ster!?!
Now that's not fair - I don't HATE "Everything in its right place", I just don't PREFER it. What I really don't like is when you serenade me with Everytheeeeeeeng! Everytheeeeeeng! Over and over and over and over again. I actually do like Radiohead.
And I'm sorry, but the dude could be Clay Aiken's brother.
Finally watched all the videos! It was great to see them in order of release as the whole band got to be in the band and then it was just Thom.
Things I observed, whether it was him or the record company, boy did they look like a bunch of grunge-ites in the beginnings and a certain singer resembled a certain other singer also from a rainy place.
I also noted at one point in the US Version of High & Dry that Thom Yorke and Snoop Dog could be brothers with the way their eyes glare...
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