Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Axl Vs Dr. Pepper

Where in the world has this man been for the last 14 years??? We have desperately needed this kind of shinanegans in the world! Thank the Maker he's back!


Jenny said...

This is so silly - first of all, who would write a letter to a bunch of lawyers complaining over one can of soda?! Secondly, why would they hold Axl personally responsible?!

People can be pretty dumb.

sterfryiv said...

But even more ridiculous, Axl Rose is suing Dr. Pepper on behalf of his fans!!!!

Seriously, this is why I loved Guns N Roses so much in highschool.

Trashing hotels, starting riots, suing Dr. Pepper...

Bart said...

Oh, Axl....

Well, I successfully got on to the Dr. Pepper site that day and requested my voucher, but we'll see how long that takes to get here...